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Get Grammarly Premium For $2- See How

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Grammarly Premium For $2

Writing an authoritative and confident article isn’t easy mostly when English is your second language.

However, raising the proportion to cater to Grammarly Premium Subscription can be a hilly path for your online writing career for sure specifically when you are the only one using the account.

Therefore, I dedicated this post to show and guide you on the authentic way and tricks you can employ to have the needed Grammarly account for as low as $2 a month. So, read till the end.

As it happens, I came to realize that most stuff that deals with a subscription for an enhanced experience. Has an alternative way that those who cannot afford to purchase such plans can definitely enjoy at a lower cost.

For example,

When I was indeed in need of the service of Google for my keyword campaign. (And I was not stable and now too  because I am still a student.)

I come across a Nigerian guy who enlightened me on enjoying a Google keyword campaign without pay. (At least the guy saved the student.)

For now, I too will give you how to check your articles using Grammarly premium for relatively free. Oops, wait; for a few dollars instead. And help save your freelance career as we build a new world where everybody tastes the juice.

How to get Grammarly for free

Even though there exist many other tricks to get Grammarly premium for free, I tried tons of such tricks and non was fruitful. In fact, they end up wasting my study time too.

(I mean reading various articles and streaming a lot of YouTube tricks yet all in vain.)

Excitingly, somebody suggest that for students it was free. The idea that saw me emailing the Grammarly team requesting links for students.

Guess what? 3 paragraphs paraphrasing that I pay for premium hit my inbox, yet no apparent hope again.

Too many stories aside, here is how to go about getting a Grammarly premium account for fewer dollars compared to the $ 30-a-month Grammarly subscription.

Having the premium account logins for as low as $2 is considerably like owning a Grammarly premium account for free.

Steps to get a Grammarly premium account for low budget

Since many people are barred from these worthy premium features. What if I show you that there are Premium account holders who share logins at a less dollar cost than you can imagine.

So, I will share with you how to get or reach these Grammarly premium account owners to share their logins with you. Hence, you start using the premium account for as low as $2.

For this trick, we are going to use Facebook. Follow below and thank me later.

  1. Get to Facebook

I guess you have started doubting how I want to introduce you to new guys and that you have to believe them. But, I don’t intend to con you, just follow and am going to deliver the exact steps to forgo any scam case.

If you have no Facebook account to start with, you can easily create a professional Facebook Account here.

  1. Follow freelance groups (Academic & Article writing)
Facebook search bar

The next step is to find two or three freelance groups on Facebook. Make sure that the groups, in particular, belong to your Country to avoid barriers when finalizing payments.

To find relevant groups to like or follow, tap on the search box on Facebook and feed in “Academic writing then your Country” or “Article writing followed by your Country.”

Get Grammarly for free Facebook[1]
Facebook freelance groups

For instance,

You can search; Academic writing in Kenya; writing in Nigeria; academic writing in South Africa; again, academic writing United States(US); academic writing in Australia; and so on.

Furthermore, you can do the same for article writing. But confirm you follow both academic and article writing groups. (two and one, just your pick.)

Once you join these groups, you instantly get access to the posts on that particular group.

What next?

Scroll down the posts and look through if a member has posted anything on Grammarly logins. If YES, then in many instances they do add price besides.


When you realize there is no post touching on the Grammarly account login, (but it is impossible to miss.) then, make a post requesting for Grammarly account. Do not include the price you will offer to guarantee you a cheap deal altogether.


I aforementioned you to search for two or three groups approximately because if you make the post yourself you may get more trickery guys than you can think for once.

Again, the guys who post that they are selling these Grammarly premium accounts have a large company. So, the event they give you an expiring account is limited. (They live with the business.)

What else to consider;

Once you locate the guy who makes posts that they sell or rent premium Grammarly account. Stage a direct message to them (aka DM or inbox them).

And bargain for the cost you will pay them monthly. I do pay $2 a month for the login.

I happen to see the account owner accommodating to give out the logins for close $2. The lowest I saw was $1.5.

However, do not pay much, play around $2. ( Depending on your country, it might be higher, but  I don’t see them charging $5 whatever the case.)

  1. Request account, test the logins and do payments

Remember we want to build a trustworthy world, don’t request the logins and then become the scammer oh.

Likewise, to guarantee you aren’t scammed either, ask for logins first then make payments.

To finalize, if you fear being the first patient to scammer, you let me know and I will help out.

Altogether, this is the way and the ultimate trick to get a premium Grammarly account for $2 or less as opposed to the $30 a month.

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Summary on how to get a Grammarly premium account for low cost

For the people who are unable to purchase a premium Grammarly account at $30 a month. You can now get the actual premium Grammarly account for $2, or less.

To get the Grammarly premium account owners that will heart fully  share with you their account:

  • Get to Facebook
  • Search for an academic or article writing group related to your Country from the search bar and join the groups.
  • Locate anyone who made a post about selling Grammarly logins and inbox them.
  • Bargain for the cost you will pay monthly. For example $2, and request logins. Test, then make payments such as $2 to the account owner month after month.
  • Finally, enjoy the Grammarly premium features for as less as $2 a month.

Alright, you must have loved this article because you have just read it till the end.

Let me know if you have been struggling to get premium Grammarly account for relatively free. (like for $2 a month.)


Tell us how Grammarly is to help you.

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I'm a dedicated writer with a focus on making money online, travel, and entertainment. Through my articles, I aim to provide insightful tips and strategies for individuals looking to maximize their online earning potential.

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