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YouTube Channel Ideas For Beginners –Easy Money

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Youtube channel ideas for beginners

I believe you are thirsty to learn YouTube channel ideas for beginners ideas on how to make easy money (ideas) using the YouTube platform with absolutely no talent and vast skills, right? Yeah, read to the end.

YouTube forms one of the most visited sites with more than 122 million active daily users, and 1 Billion videos hours get streamed across the globe daily.

This article forms part of our weekly posts on making legit money online. We previously covered how to earn dollars by writing online for excellent writing platforms and pay substantial amounts.

Often, you find out that video creators manage to get thousands of clicks on YouTube; the more the views, the bigger the Dollar pocketed.

For example, Artists with a vast following easily reach millions of views on a single video. Will you believe some cross the Billion views mark? Crazy Artists.

Anyway, you don’t need those million to get paid or earn incredible Dollars, trust me. They create short videos.

Let’s get started with YouTube channel ideas for beginners.

YouTube ideas to make money online

There exist hundreds of ideas to make money posting on YouTube. Many YouTube creators get exaggerated to have beautiful talents and unique skills.

But all these are YouTube myths (as I refer to them) since you don’t need to be talented to earn on YouTube, nor skills.

It follows that one advance skills when actively performing what they intend to showcase.

Therefore, the following are some valuable and ethical ideas to help you make your Dollar on YouTube from today ten years to come and till YouTube closes. Of course, it won’t.

  • Creating explainer videos

With the rise of internet usage amongst people, it is no reason that they will find how to join or purchase things online.

The explainer video is the evergreen YouTube channel ideas for beginners to show others how to perform tasks or navigate online.

Similarly, millions of people want to do a lot of stuff online and have little idea on how to enhance what they want.

For example 1,

People will try to register on Online writing sites like Upwork, Fiver, Edison, Studypool, etcetera.

And provided they have never opened such platforms, they will rush to YouTube to have ideas (the explainer videos) on joining Upwork.

Example 2,

Many online shopping sites like Amazon, Jumia, etcetera that people would like to purchase their products.

However, they have to find someone to guide them to ensure successful purchase and shipping.

In this case, they turn to YouTube to get the already live videos that will sail them on navigating the Amazon site.

  • Becoming Online DeeJay

Don’t tell me you haven’t listened to the mix beats of 2021 best music compilations.

Deejay is another way to grab more views on YouTube by using viral music and compiling them for people to listen to in a single video.

youtube channel idea for begginners- Deejay
Becoming online Deejay

There is much free software to help you with mixing tasks and help you to create excellent work that people would love to listen to online.

  • Parody

Interestingly  Parody does kill it every time they pop on the internet. The creators show high levels of rhythm matching, and people like such skills.

parody- youtube channel ideas
  • Starting tutorial

Commencing online tutorials for YouTube channels is the best idea for beginners who have some skills to sell online.

Generally, tutorials are in place to make the audience better understand the entire topic.

  • Celebrities life

A celebrity’s life story is considerably a go-to YouTube channel idea for beginners.

We have many celebrities whose public life’s are unknown by people though people out there are eagerly waiting for in-depth celebrities’ life coverage on YouTube.

Here are some of the ideas for celebrities’ life stories for content.
  • Celebrities success stories
  • Net worth
  • Wife and Children
  • Age
  • Education
  • Awards

Specifically, any video on celebrities already has an audience that is sure to reach their first thousand views within 24 hours when they get published on YouTube.

  •  Historical stories

As it sounds, it tells more about people’s history and may trace back to when the first people on earth live stories.

On many occasions, historical ideas do not get many videos within months; however, once piblished online, it stays valid for the next 10 years and even more hence it is a long term idea.

  • Gaming

Gaming is the type of another loved video liked by most YouTube users. Mmmh, does it sounds okay? Right.

There are groups of people who really want to visualize how various videos operates. They want the pro-skills to play such.

Even though you may believe it is not that marketable, people get to the YouTube platform for entertainment that if you can arrange those video sequences attractively, no one has no option but to stream them to the end.

gaming- youtube ideas
Photo: Youtube; gaming
  • Cooking

Food preparation is perfect for people who have essential experience with food preparation.

If you work in a highly rated hotel or manage a beautiful room, you will showcase your cooking skills to the public.

Then, start sooner because millions of people search how to cook various delicious meals.

food- youtube channel idea for begginers
  • Beauty

The chances are that every lady has difficulties painting their styles and nails.


Beauty is excellent YouTube channel idea for beginners who want to show their beauty skills online.

  • Fashion

Do you fall in deep driving with the hot clothes on the internet? Yeah, people are dead looking for the best fashions out there for their shape.

  • Animation

Maybe you haven’t interacted with animated videos on the YouTube platform; otherwise, tell me the views they manage to attract? Extremely huge.

  • Highlighting listicles

Listicles is one of the YouTube channel ideas for beginners to go to, and you’ll get alarmed with the view and subscribers your channel gets you.

However, listicles refer to listing things that people may have interest in when using YouTube.

For instance,
  • One may create a video on the top ten wealthiest presidents globally.
  • Best rappers in your country.
  • Best places to visit in ‘your country’.
  • Crafts

Craft is the skill of making things by hand. These YouTube ideas for beginners must be crazy.

Channels focusing on crafts draw millions of views and approximately subscribers within a month.

  • Mindset

Fantastic, do something exist such as mindset? No worry, I gonna show you how to work it out.

Relaxation video pieces of music must be compact with mindset; hence it is relevant for the context.

Here, you need to compose cool sounds or download free clear and soothing music and make a beautiful scene.

Again, non of your photos are neccessary, only if you’re a professional photographer who can capture the best angles.

Even though you may make your photos or scenes, you can access tons of them free for use online.

Related: How to make money by writing news Online

Related: How to make money blogging

See also: Skills to help you become successful in life

YouTube video ideas without showing face

Almost all the afore-listed YouTube channel ideas for beginners work with videos Without showing face.

Some other YouTube video Ideas without showing face are;

  • Crafts
  • Historical stories
  • Cooking
  • Gaming
  • Listicles
  • Animation
  • Celebrities life
  • Deejay
  • A portion of explainer videos

Summary on YouTube channel ideas for beginners

Evidently, the YouTube channel gives out ridiculously high money for ideas that sell well to their users.

How long does it take to start earning money in yours?

To start making dollars on the YouTube channel, it takes somewhere like 3, 4, to 6 months.

However, there is no rule stating 3 months or 6 months to get the first YouTube pay. Generally, it all has to do with your video views.

How to make money on YouTube

To make money on YouTube, many people sign up for Google AdSense to monetize their channel. Google AdSense account enables you to show ads in your channel hence get paid when the audience view such ads. It is an automatic monetization.

Additionally, one only qualify to apply for AdSense when their channel have reached 1,000 subscribers and a total of 4,000 video watch hours. Don’t get worried about these values; they gonna come themselves.

 Affiliate monetization is another channel strategy that you can start to leverage AdSense earnings. Affiliate programs work by recommending third party programs at a commission when a qualified purchase from your link. These links are included in the YouTube video descriptions.

What you need to start monetizing your YouTube channel

Additionally, one only qualify to apply for AdSense when their channel have reached 1,000 subscribers and a total of 4,000 video watch hours. Don’t get worried about these values; they gonna come themselves

Final thoughts

YouTube is one of the promising ideas for online money. Many people turn to YouTube for absolutely everything they perform to advance, be it skills or knowledgeability.

YouTube, as mentioned above, channel ideas for beginners is some of the best YouTube ideas to embrace and earn money from the platform.

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I'm a dedicated writer with a focus on making money online, travel, and entertainment. Through my articles, I aim to provide insightful tips and strategies for individuals looking to maximize their online earning potential.

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