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Updated: Opera News Hub Pay Per click in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria 2022

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Opera News Hub has announced a new revenue model on how they compensate quality writers on the platform.

The new Opera News payment update will see writers make more money from each Opera article they publish. Hence Updated Opera News Hub pay Per click in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria 2022

The adjustment on how Opera News pay its creators comes at a time when most Opera news writer was trashing it for its poor payments to writers.

The writer’s complaints about being underpaid by Opera News Hub have been addressed. And every writer now can earn more money on the platform by producing quality and original content.

Opera News Hub has introduced new categories of articles that are paying a significant amount of money to articles that meet the standards of each category.

Clicks will no longer be used to calculate the final earnings of the quality and original article. But, the new categories of Editors Featured, Original Content and Professional Original Expert Author will form factors to calculate earnings and will pay more than 2 to 5 times per click.

Editor’s Pick: how to write articles on Opera news hub the right way

The 3 New Opera News articles categories that determine the article’s payments

The new payments model by Opera News cut across all countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, and others.

  1. Editor Featured articles — will pay writers 5 times per click
  2. Original Content — will pay writers 2 times per click
  3. Professional Original Expert Author – pay 1.5 times per click

Let’s explain these new categories that will now be used to calculate how much Opera News Hub pays per article and click.

Editor Featured content

When the article is selected for ‘Editor Features’, one click will earn you 5 times in Opera News Hub in every country.

Therefore, all clicks from Editor Featured articles will pay; in Kenya, 1000 clicks will now pay Ksh105
In Ghana, 1000 clicks now pay 2.75ghc
Nigeria a 1000 clicks now pay 180 Naira
In South Africa, 1000 click now pays 1.4R

Original articles

Articles that get selected as Original Articles will earn ×2 per one click on Opera.

Under the Original articles payments model by Opera News, 1000 clicks in Kenya will pay Ksh42
In Ghana, 1000 clicks now pay 1.1ghc
Nigeria a 1000 clicks now pay 72 Naira
In South Africa, 1000 clicks now pay 2.8R

Professional Original Expert Author

For a writer to be an expert writer on Opera Hub, they must be producing Original articles and also focus on some topics for some time. Here, every click will earn you 1.5 times the payments.

That is the updated payment for quality article payment rate in Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and other countries eligible to write on Opera News Hub.

Summary of Updated Opera News Hub Pay Per click in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria

Now, it is motivation to compose articles for Opera’s 363+ million readers. The new payment strategy pays undoubtedly more money for quality and original articles on the platform.

Nevertheless, the creator’s account quality will also impact on the articles’ distribution. Also, quality writers of Opera News will be paid 1.5 times the usual earnings per click.

Finally, if your articles fail to meet the new categories introduced by opera news hub. Then, your earnings per click will be settled based on the usual clicks in your country.

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