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Opera News hub payment in Kenya Explained

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All you need to know on Opera News Hub payment in Kenya is all pact for you.

Opera news hub is a writing platform that rewards writers for creating articles. It accepts all writers from Kenya, and you don’t need many skills to get started writing for opera news.

Any interested writer should first create an account with Opera News Hub. Opening the Opera News account is much simpler and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Initially, Opera News Hub used to pay writers for the traffic, engagements, read time, and length of an article. They also had some bonuses for various thresholds met by an article.

Announcement; Opera News Hub introduces new features for payments

However, in July 2021, Opera News introduced new factors to determine the amount an article earns.

Opera News announced that new factors such as ‘Editor Featured’, ‘original content, and professional original author’ are the most critical factors for payment of an article.

The new payment features were meant to considerably improve the rewards and earnings of writers who publish quality articles.

That implies that the number of clicks an article manages to get on Opera News will not determine the final revenue of the article published on the Opera platform.

The revenue strategy by Opera mainly uses the creator’s account ratings to help distribute newly published articles on the platform.

So, every Opera article creator should ensure to put quality over quantity when they publish on the site to make more money.

Understanding Editor Featured’, ‘original content and professional original author’ by Opera

If your article is marked as ‘original content, ‘Editor Featured’ or you get official certification as ‘professional original author’. Then your article’s income will be increased by 2 times to 5 times on the platform. (2 – 5 times)

For an article to be Editor Featured on Opera News, it must be unique and original.

If your article is selected as ‘Editor Featured’, it will be subjected to exposure of not less than 5,000 impressions. And on top of 5,000 impressions, the earnings by the article will be 5 times the usual articles.

Additionally, suppose your article on Opera has the ‘Original Content’ tag. In that case, it will enjoy a minimum of 2,000 impressions. And the income on the article will be 2 times those of usual articles.

Unlike other writers on the Opera platform, for a creator to be rated as a Senior Author, they must produce original, professional content and focus on a particular category.

The reward for being a senior author is that your income will be increased by 1.5 times on Opera News.

Editor Select: Opera News Hub Scam You should be aware of

How much does Opera news Hub pay per click?

Opera News pays the creator for the total clicks an article receives on the platform. The valid click is counted when a reader opens your article and takes more than 5 seconds to read the article.

Therefore, Opera only pay writers for valid click.

However, Opera News payment per click depends on factors such as the user read time, quality of the article, read time, and ad revenue. Hence, payments are not based only on clicks, which is why some estimated earnings will differ from Opera earnings on their dashboard.

Below is how much Opera pays per in Kenya; Opera News hub payment in Kenya

1 click pay 0.021 shillings
10 click pay 0.21 shillings
10 clicks pay 2.1 shillings
1,000 clicks pay 21 shillings
10,000 clicks pay 210 shillings
50,000 clicks pay 1,050 shillings

Opera pays 21 cents for 10 clicks, 21 shillings for 1,000 clicks, 210 shillings for 10,000 clicks, and 1,050 shillings for every 50,000 clicks in Kenya.

Nevertheless, with the latest updates by Opera News Hub, quality, original content, and professional writers will earn more on the platform.

For Editor Featured content on Opera, ten clicks will earn 1.05 shillings, 1,000 clicks will earn 105 shillings, and 10,000 clicks will earn 1,050 shillings.

What is the minimum withdrawable amount from Opera News Hub?

The minimum amount you can withdraw from your Opera account is 1,000 shillings.

If your earnings account dashboard has not reached the withdrawable threshold of 1,000 shillings, then Opera will roll over the amount to the following month.

When does Opera News Hub pay creators/writers?

After spending more time in front of a laptop or your phone, it is time to get paid by the end month.

Usually, Opera pays creators from the 1st to the 15th of every month, provided you have accumulated a minimum of Ksh1,000 to qualify for Opera News hub payment in Kenya

If the Ksh1,000 has not yet been accumulated, Opera will not pay you for that month.

See Also: Opera News Hub Impression, Reach, Engagement, Reputation, Ctr explained

How do I withdraw money from Opera news Hub Kenya?

Once you have enough money on your Opera dashboard, it is time to transfer it to your bank account or any account.

Opera allows creators to link their payment details on the monetization tab to have automated money transfers.

Luckily, Opera accepts M-Pesa money transfers, and you only need to add your legal phone number on the monetization tab, and the ttranfttranfettranferttranfttranfettranfer process will be automated for you.

Likewise, you can add a bank account and get the amount channel to your account.

Remember, Opera does not allow writers from Kenya to withdraw money. But instead, Opera automatically sends the amount to the respective accounts provided on the monetization tab.


Opera News Hub only pays for valid clicks. So, the writer’s earnings are as follows; 10 clicks earn 0.21 shillings, 100 clicks earn 2.1 shillings, 1,000 clicks earn 21shillings, and 10,000 clicks earn 210 shillings and 50,00) clicks earn 1,050 shillings, respectively.

And Opera pays on every 1st to 15th day of every month. If you don’t earn 1,000 shillings by the end of the month, your payment is carried over to the following month and finally paid once you have a minimum of 1,000 shillings on the account.

Tips On Writing on Opera News Hub:

Tip 1. Do not write articles that have been written on Opera for more than 2 hours. As the algorithm may reject it because other versions already exist on the platform.

Tip 2. Use Grammarly to fix your grammar and sentence structure. There is the free version of Grammarly (features are not good) and the premium Grammarly version. The premium cost is $30 per month. But I am a blogger; to make the life of my readers easier, You can secure legit login for the Premium version at 300 shillings per month. Save Your Writing time, Polish Your Grammar and Appear Professional in front of fellow Opera writers.

Tip 3. If you are using a phone to write your Opera articles, it has the hang syndrome and drains the battery faster. Check out the app known as Notepad. It will help you.

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