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Make Money Online Writing News

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make money online writing news

We will teach you how to make money online writing news on some platform and getting paid for every article you submit.

If you are out there thriving to make ends meet, then a single step to online money can definitely come to your rescue. Many people nowadays turn to online writing to cater to their livelihood requirements.

I know you doubt me. But what if I tell you that you don’t have the exposure to easy online money. Hundreds of people undertake writing as a full-time job and, of course, make fortunes.

Even though there are more kinds of writing out there on the internet: academic writing, article writing, etcetera, however, they fall under the bigger freelance writing.

Maybe you may believe you aren’t good enough to showcase your creative work to the world. That is the dead excuse for a loser. No one was born bold with no evidence of creativity. Shut that thought.

         “Show your work. You cannot wake up one day and become a Pro. “

We’ll take you through writing articles for news sites in this article. Also, we share with you the best experience of composing your content from start to finish giving you hacks to drive more clicks onto your article. Continue reading.

Can you write online?

We know this is the biggest question when one gets to hear of online writing. Everyone is eager to have the best reply to this particular concern.

Today, I will clear every point of doubt that you might have been fed will fake friends who are Jack everything hopping to make ridiculous high dollar overnight.

I have written for news sites for the last year and possess no point to prove that writing online doesn’t pay. I made good money then; however, I wanted to take the next step to share how they can make money online with the world.

The legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger once said;

    “Don’t listen to nay-sayers if they say it can’t get done; you hear it can get done and in your mind know they are failed souls.”

Don’t go high for my words.

The qualified answer should be ‘unless you cannot communicate in English or any national language depending on the country.

‘Hey men, you are kidding me; I have never written before; how will people intercept the news I write online? Are readers gonna click my work? Are they gonna shame me? Oh no, I am confused.’

Let me clear the cloud. Absolutely no one will be arrogant and mad with your article. No one knows you in the online community. You are more than okay to start writing online.

You should not have any blues and greens because we are focused on ensuring you have everything you need to know writing News online.. we are sure you will be extremely excited having landed on our website. Trust me.

Make money online writing news- What do you need to start writing online?

You don’t need to have everything maximum to write online. Fundamentally, you need to have access to;

  1. Good English
  2. Laptop(in our case, an android smartphone is more than enough, believe me.)
  3. Grammarly account (optional) is a free version that can help you.)

Others include bundles to enhance your online presence.

NOTE: Do not ignore Grammarly since it will detect everyone spelling mistakes and grammar errors. It is worth having, and it aids in your work to be professional. Thanks to the free version of Grammarly.

Again, the premium version is cool and will make you a real professional.   You don’t have to do a subscription alone because we understand your financial status might not be steady.

We admitted to ensure you have the best experience; therefore, we share with you our pro advice and really you must love encountering us on time.

Premium Grammarly Account starts at about $30 a month, and good deals happen with a quarterly and annual subscription. Here is the way out.

Get to Facebook and search ‘online writing job in your country. Or, search ‘Academic writing in your country .’Join the groups and ask for a shared Grammarly premium account. Good job, you’ll get individuals posting such accounts for even less than $2 a month. Cool deal.

How much money can you make writing online?

Superexcellent for beginners, you need to understand the approximate dollars you can pocket by the end of 30 days. Or, you love per week deal, maybe per day is the description of you.

Honestly, an online job can indeed make you reach overnight. Hope you get me okay; I don’t mean becoming a millionaire overnight. And everyone makes money writing online, and freelancers make a genuine dollar out there.

Although the amount earned is different per individual, one can mint more money as they imagine making.

Specific to writing news online, your payments are defined by the performance of your article. If it drives thousands of clicks, the more to drive home. Your article gets hundreds of clicks in the evening, the few dollars your account reflects.

Don’t be deceived that you cannot make fortunes with writing online. Came down with me and had basically everything you need when writing online.

We have more articles on how to write killer articles that drive thousands of clicks or views hence big dollar. We’ll link them in this article.

Often, it follows that the more you write, the more you earn. Pin it. We’ll elaborate on it below.

Now, let’s get started right away.

Where can you make money online writing news?

More legit sites on the internet reward their writers for writing on such sites. In contrast, other scam sites take writer’s money for themselves or payout pennies.

Therefore, we’ll introduce you to the two News sites that we trust and have experience and quality our criteria for legit sites. We will guide you on two sites that are free to join and definitely pay well.

The two are;

  • Opera News Hub
  • And, ScooperNews

These sites do not charge any fee to writers and provide a humble platform with an already existing large audience ready to consume your work.

Let’s break down.

Scooper News

Founded back in 2019, it has made huge achievements in digital news curation in Africa and other continents. Being young has one of the best payments that creators can’t ignore, raving to secure.

With over 5 million users in Africa, it provides quality and up-to-date News across Africa and worldwide. Their size is first growing and may take control of Africa in the next few years.

A writer can write on the categories of best fit ranging from the latest news on celebrities, health, finance, technology, and many others.

To write on Scoopers News, you must first register with them. Registration online takes a few minutes, and acceptance may take a relatively few hours.

To make money online writing online for Scooper News, you will need to give quality and up-to-date work for their community.

On registration, one will have to submit a sample of work that they will produce for the community. Despite many do fail in this part, we have advice just for you.

“Submit easy articles such as Top Cities in Africa; Celebrities to follow in 2022; Top comedians that are most followed in your country; Artists with most streamed songs in the last 3 months. Just keep it easy if it is your first time in online writing.

On the other hand, Scoopers pays per article. The articles publishable on the platform must be 300 words minimum with one video embedded inside the articles. Check more Here.

Interestingly, one can estimate the endmonth’s payment on his account. Yeah, they pay a flat rate per article. So, the more you publish, the more the wallet gets heavy.

Make money online writing news- Pay per article

Back to daily posting limits, they give generous space allowing for 10 posts a day. That translates to 300 posts a month and implies if you  get paid $0.8 per article:

(300)× (0.8)$ = $240

A whopping 240 dollars a month, can’t you still manage your expenditures and house?

In addition, Scooper gives credit to best performers month, and you can easily get there and secure a bonus for writing many articles.

But, you don’t need all these, they will come on day by day.

Another great one is Opera News Hub; consider reading to the end.

Opera News Hub– Make money online writing news

Having launched in Nigeria and Kenya in 2018, it has grown to be one the biggest news platforms in Africa. It allows writers from almost 50 countries.

Opera has a community of 363M+ users across Africa and the world. It is considered the biggest news site in Africa, giving quality and trustable news.

Like Scooper News, it allows writers to compose content from almost every category ranging from the latest news on celebrities, creative writing, technology, the relationship amongst the lists.

The writer of Opera News enjoys the real definition of earning from performance. They get paid based on articles performance like total clicks, shares, and comments than the flat pay of Scooper per article published.

Pay per click

The feature that makes writers stick with Opera News is pay-per-performance. The payment form implies that your article drives more clicks, the proportionate you expect in the account.

The only sucking part of the payment for performance is that if the content only gets hundreds of clicks, the bucks it adds to the account.

Registration to become Opera News is the simplest; you need to fill in a few details, and you are good to start submitting the first article. You will not submit an article sample as the case with Scooper News; hence almost every applicant stands a chance to get accepted.

Opera News provides for 5 daily posts of at least 150 words for beginners, and with time more limits get unlocked. Opera pays per click or view plus an engagements bonus per hundred engagements. (Engagement refer to shares and comments that single articles manage to attract)

That follows 150 posts a month for beginners; let’s calculate the possible earnings.

If you make somewhere like $1.5 on every post:

(150) × (1.5)$ = $ 225

Easy 225 dollars!!!! Why thrive again?

Note: You may have detected we haven’t specified payments per click; that is because of disparities in currencies. How they pay per click in Kenya is different from how they pay in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and every country.

Using the Opera News Hub platform, you may experience a surge in earnings and a drastic drop in earnings. So, the only hack to maintain high earnings is by producing original, quality, and up-to-date content that readers will love.

Opera news hub extensive guide for beginners

RELATED: How to write article that attract thousands of click and more shares

Which categories should you write on news sites to attract more clicks?

We are just happy to give you our case study to ensure you get more clicks or traffic to your article. The worst moment as a writer is definitely writing on categories that don’t attain more readers. Dead on hit publish.

So, you are lucky to land on this post. This section will hint at poor practices that see you gain little clicks to your articles. And share the high-performing categories you should consider writing on.

First thing first,

What you should not do when creating an article for news sites / what you should not do when looking for a content idea

  • Outsourcing content from the same platform you write for.
  • Writing because of the mere fact you should write.
  • Wasting time on searching for content.
  • Trying copy and paste method.
  • Any article rewriting online, such articles mostly get detected when publishing then as your work. (I don’t mean others don’t work too. Find out yourself.)

What are the best performing categories worth writing on?

  1. Sex and relationship

Tell me, who does not want to have tricks to play like Messi and Ronaldo? Who does not need tricks to intensify love?Who doesn’t want the trick of identifying infidelity?

The category is killing it out on the internet; try it out.

  • Facts

Who will skip post about ’10 places that prove Isaac Newton law false- places where gravity do not work.’

‘5 strong animals that kill King python easily’

‘ County with machinery that can crush Britain if war begins today.’

You list them, we write them. Readers actually love these contents.

  • Motivation particularly quotes

Will you pretend not to visualize great quotes?

‘ 5 quotes from Bill Gates that on wealth’

‘6 quotes from Nelson Mandela’s hard work.’

Did we stress you are unlikely to skip?

Get us right: The best performing categories above are only from our case study. Other categories also work well, so don’t only rely on the categories mentioned earlier.


In the online community, everyone has reserved dollars for them. You first have identified good online jobs that are legit and finally dedicated to undertaking the job.

Writing for a News site is a considerably fast way to drive dollar front day one writing online. It’s cool, and people do it full-time otherwise part-time to help leverage income.

Ensure you select categories that readers love, do not hope with articles strangle for readers.

Lastly,  I believe you found this article super to start making money online; your friends must love it too. You’ll be great sharing great legit dollars ideas. Please share it.

Have any concerns comments about it, and we will reach out to you as soon as we receive them.

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I'm a dedicated writer with a focus on making money online, travel, and entertainment. Through my articles, I aim to provide insightful tips and strategies for individuals looking to maximize their online earning potential.

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