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How To Make Money Writing On Medium

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how to make money writing on Medium

We are going to show you how to make money writing on Medium and pocket online dollar. Maybe, you are looking for a transparent and legitimate platform to make money sharing your ready content for more reach?

Well, then this post is entirely for you. Sit back, your limbs on a cushion; why not grab a cup of hot chocolate water? Huh, yeah, because we have a detailed procedure of how to do tricks, tips, and bonus steps to earn extra dollars.

REALITY: Medium gives out real money to their content creators (article writers). Trust me, even a recurring income when a simple, significant style gets include on article design. Spare your thoughts; we share all the necessary information regarding the Medium. I mean everything, read down with us.

Medium has two different types of people using the platform.However, there aren’t limitations on which user you will become. In particular, group writing content on the platform and another consuming the articles shared (audience).

Despite joining Medium to outsource content (reading), one can provide articles (creators) and consumer (reader) those particular articles on the medium platform.

In addition, writers enjoy sharing articles entirely for free (without a membership subscription), whereas readers of such articles pay some amount to unlock all the articles.

Affiliate links

“You must disclose affiliate links that you will receive a commission or other value.”

Violation of medium rules may result in limited article distribution and even account suspension. The only way to be sure of the accounts’ well-being is by reading and understanding their rules.

Once your article is ethical, you don’t have to panic as they only protect their readers. Medium wants to ensure that its audiences develop the best experience to remain on the platform.

They want writers to produce high-quality, new and informative content (articles) summarizing their law. Medium refers to such work as newsworthy since their online community will love the work; readers get motivated to renew membership when the platform is worthy.

For example, they don’t endorse the content:
  • May incite violence and threats
  • Hateful article (content)
  • Entail any form of harassment
  • Pornographic content, be it graphics
  • Duplicate work
  • Third-party advertising and sponsorship.
  • When writing, do not disclose their affiliation.
  • Etcetera

For better acquaintance, consider going through the laws and understanding every provision. You can click here to access the concise medium community guidelines.

For marketers;

Marketers represent the individual creator who uses the medium platform to seek more audiences. They are simply creators out of Medium and are looking for hire reach on their blogs and may involve vlogs.

To illustrate, they may be bloggers or newbies sharing their already original quality blogs on particular websites. Keep on with us; we will show you how to go about it within 2 minutes. (shown down)

How does Medium pay: What factors determine the amount creators Earn.

I know this is the section every aspiring online creator would browser before anything else. Yeah, it’s familiar, and experts and necessary highly recommend it.

You may eagerly request a single response; unfortunately, there isn’t as Medium apply more than 5 tons to calculate your eligible pay. You don’t need to strain anymore on this being quality, original and up-to-date content (check the meaning of these terms on ‘How To Create Viral Article’)that users love will automatically drive ridiculously high traffic to your article.

Related: Make money wring for Opera News

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How To Create Viral Article

Here is the elaboration of the specific terms on how to make money writing on Medium

  • Original

For content to ascertain the ‘original’ mark, it should be original and original. I hope you get me right, but I still wonder what I’m really up to.

Let’s look here; anything different in style and design is said ‘original,’ meaning the version has not been provided or made existence by anybody.

The biggest question is whether the readers will identify a given article as original or paraphrased. It is arguably true that the audience does change day by day, so your article may not get noticed as paragraphs. But who cares.

 Articles scoring high originality test, way over 80% are the original. Get me clear; I have not meant you intrude in other bloggers’ or writers’ work and paraphrase everything. Do it cleverly.

Note: If your account is a collection of not original articles, your account may face deactivation, you get punished and may at times lead to account discontinuation or ban.

  • Quality

Quality is one of the powerful approaches every online starter is required to embrace. However, if you don’t get it right, you may have a bigger problem ever. Hah, continue reading with us to the end.

To explain,  I know your community has a particular taboo that doesn’t allow consumption of some variety of food, real? Well, imagine starting a business that sells such kinds of food that the community doesn’t use? It will definitely die- be unsuccessful.

Provide value- how to make money writing on Medium

Therefore, the content you create should help the community (come to the online community’s needs)  to do whatever they want. Generally, most articles help the audience be it with the latest celebrities’ news, online jobs (just like the one you landed on), technology updates, and just everything anyone may need.

In addition, quality content implies an article addressing a particular episode fully. Imagine creating an article on football, showing the goal scorers leaving behind players who assisted them. How can you feel on identifying you’ve just reached the end yet no goal assists or possible red card encounter? You may feel worse and even get tempted to lecture the creator, actual infuriation.

Moreover,  it’s powerful to note quality work also showcases good grammar free from errors ( spellings and grammar errors). Vocabulary should not be advanced, leaving your readers visiting the dictionary minute by minute. Be keen not to embrace too basic English of other official languages as people may directly judge you wrongly.

NOTE: Quality articles leave readers with more options to share the content on social media for friends and to look on.

 Secondly, it will automatically drive massive comments to your blog/article, enabling Google to identify your article and recommend it on Google search Feed.

  • SEO

If you have been searching online for freelance writing, I bet you have met this word. SEO represents Search Engine Optimization. I will only hint at the basics and how it works.

What are SEO- how to make money writing on Medium

SEO is just sets of words that Google easily digested and ranked high on search results. On other occasions, they are words/keywords that people search for. There are tons of those particular words, and I will share with you how to access them in the next minute.

For explanation, we’ll use the name of Romelu Lukaku; Chelsea Top Player, 2022. (I love football; bear with me, please.)

If you put his name on Google search but have not hit the search button still, you’ll see many recommendations that Google shows to you. What are the actual SEO keywords that we refer to?


Next, let’s hover over how these keywords work. Are they super cute for your articles’ life? Must you use them on your already prepared articles?

First, using keywords on your headline is super important and makes your article authentic, standing out among thousands of other reports. You may lose too big if you don’t use good keywords, headlines, and sub-headings.

 Medium is not like YouTube, where one scrolls and gets entertaining.

You need to apply these SEO basics for your article when getting started to enhance way much traffic on your article.

Articles without keywords have a shorter life, maybe a week or two, and they will be gone. Yes, who will look for it when there are thousands of excellent blogs/articles produced out there per single hour.

Secondly, the second concern is whether they include these KEYWORDS in your articles. It all depends on the kind of content you create and how long people will be reading it or ‘fast’ news.

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I'm a dedicated writer with a focus on making money online, travel, and entertainment. Through my articles, I aim to provide insightful tips and strategies for individuals looking to maximize their online earning potential.

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